
A quote that makes me laugh

The economy stinks, bees are dying and movies are pretty much all sequels now. 

=> Schmidt from New Girl 
This puts my everyday misery into perspective for me.
Suddenly after reading this quote I see the irony, I see my first world problems and suddenly it doesn’t feel as terrible as it did before.

About worrying

If you worry and nothing’s wrong, you’ve wasted precious time over nothing. If you worry and something is wrong, you’ve still wasted precious time.


I don’t know where I’ve gotten this quote from, but I’ve had it written down for a while now. I worry too much. I know that. I worry about mostly everything. Before, after, during. It doesn’t matter.

But quotes like these remind me that it’s okay not to worry. That I don’t have to.

Breaking down in tears


I did it, I broke down in tears in the middle of our group. And I don’t care. I felt safe and loved and no one were judging me.

It was a song that triggered my feelings. It is in danish, but the main content of it – what made the tears well up is something along the lines of this:

Now you are simply allowed to be my child, not my servant.
Now, be little – not adult.
No one makes demands from you. No one judges you.
You are allowed to be weak, let go of all responsibility.
The danger is, that you’ll forget how much of a jewell you are.
That you think too much about the sorrow and need of others, instead of your own.

Now, you can listen instead of talking.
You can just receive, and not always give.
You are allowed to cry – and to share your pain.
You will be held and you will feel our peace.

I ended up curling up in my seat and felt the tears spill over.
A friend next to me laid her arm around me and hugged me. We didn’t speak. People sang, she sang. I just cried. I cried and listened.

I let the words fill my heart and my body. I tried to let go and just.. just be. Just listen. Just take what was given me.

Afterwards I felt lighter. I felt relived. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and it felt good.
As bad as it can be breaking down, the feeling after is worth it all to me.

I just hope I can hold onto this feeling for a while now. I will try to believe the good things.

I smiled and tried to mean it

Sometimes you come over a song, a poem or an article. Anything that makes you stop and think, you relate. You believe this person can see right into your soul and has written this about you. Or maybe instead you feel like this person has taken your thoughts and put them into words that you could not form yourself.

Something that did that for me is the song Any Other World by the artist Mika.

The lyrics that made me stop and think at first were these:

I tried to live alone
But lonely is so lonely, alone
So human as I am
I had to give up my defences

So I smiled and tried to mean it
To let myself let go



“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I just wanted to share this with you. It’s a verse I try to keep with me in both good times and in bad. It’s simple. It is love, it is trust and it is faith. 

Macerunner.. or just lost?

Quote 5.jpg

My mind is a mace. I’ve entered with no way of finding my way back to where I got in and now I gotta find another way out. But it’s not just around the first corner, or the second. I might need to go through obstacles, thorns maybe. Maybe there’s a river in the middle of everything that I gotta swim over, making sure not to get taken away by it. Making sure not to drown. Or maybe there’s a huge easy way I can go at times. More often that not though, that is a dead end and I’ll just have wasted my time.


Just a ramble from me.. Do any of you ever feel like that?

Oy with the poodles already

The weirdest stuff pop into my head at the weirdest times. But it was perfect. I needed sooymething to cheer me up and this Gilmore Girls quote did the trick.

There’s people who has seen Gilmore Girls several times, and yes, I am one of those. I am that girl. Woman, maybe. Young woman, I’ll settle on that.
