new beginning

My return is now!

I am so happy to say that as of now, I should be back to my regular life again.
Which means, I will be blogging again!

I stayed eleven days at a hospital – and previously had a few weeks of pain where I couldn’t focus and couldn’t live normally, but now I should be back and ready to get my life back to what it was – or even better.

My energy levels are low, but have gone way up – and since I’m no longer in pain, I am finally able to see past it. I’ve never been in so much pain before, for anyone asking, gallstones leading to an infected pancreas is no joke! Honestly, it’s actually deadly for some – however, I was one of the 85% that seemingly gets through the sickness without troubles. I am so thankful for that!

Now it’s just small steps back to normal life, small steps to get my body used to not getting morphine and small steps to get my exercise levels up. Seriously.. while at the hospital, walking 200 meters was hard!

Wish me luck!

A Beginning

“What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail?”

This, or something like this, was said by Robert H. Schuller. I can’t really tell you who he is, or was. I can’t tell you in what context the quote is taken from either.

But I can tell you what I will be using it for. I will try thing, that I usually wouldn’t try. I can take chances myself that I wouldn’t usually take – and instead of being overpowered by the realism of everyday thinking, I will allow myself to dream – and to live out the dream, the start of it anyway. In this case in particular, it will mean that Im starting this blog in the hopes of it becoming something big. Something big to me.

I’m not talking about something big in the world. It is not my goal to become world famous or rule the internet. But if this blog can be anything good for me, then it’s worth trying. And if it by any chance can become something that’s interesting for others to read, then that’s worth something too!

It’s not that I can’t fail. I totally can. But if I fail, so what?! The opportunity that I might fail, wont hold me back today!

What will I attempt to do, knowing I wont fail? I don’t know. But I wanna find out!